Frequently Asked Questions
What if our education ministry is going pretty well, but it’s just not firing on all cylinders. Can you help us tune it up?
Absolutely! Contact me and we can discuss what is needed.
While we are looking at our adult education ministry we should probably also look at youth and children. Can you help us with that?
Yes, that can be arranged on a case-by-case basis. I have experience in both youth and children’s ministry and in overseeing the youth and children’s ministry leaders.
How can we know that what you have done in other churches will work here?
It won’t! That’s why I don’t advocate a one-size-fits-all program. We spend a lot of time looking at your church, your congregation, and your community. In that way I am able to help you design an approach that will fit your church and your context.
Why would we hire you?
I can take the “know how” that I have gained from 28 years of ministry and use it to help your church have an effective education ministry. Among other things, I can offer:
- Guidance in developing an education ministry strategy that reflects and supports your unique calling, mission, values, and community
- Coaching as you and your leadership team implement that strategy through launching a new ministry or refining an existing one
- Guidance in recruiting and training a leadership team so that the weight of the ministry does not land on the shoulders of the senior pastor
- Comprehensive training for leaders and teachers
- Continued support and coaching
What are the steps in the process?
I encourage you to look at the page “Services Offered.” But basically I gather lots of information from the leaders and the congregation. I synthesize that information and communicate the data and some recommendations to the leadership. I then coach the leaders through the process of designing and implementing an education strategy. In addition I train the new teachers and leaders for effective ministry in the new ministry structure.
Who makes the decisions about what direction to go?
On a macro level, the senior pastor and church leadership make the decision about what general strategy to use. On the actual planning and day-to-day management level, I recommend the development of a Ministry Leadership Team. The senior pastor and elders aren’t usually in a position to directly manage a ministry—they have too many other things on their plates. This Ministry Leadership Team shouldn’t be too large and could consist of representatives from the pastors and church leadership, or it could be an already existing board (like the Christian Education committee), or it could be recruited specifically for the purpose of overseeing the new ministry.
Why do you survey the congregation?
In order for a ministry to be successful it needs to meet the felt needs of the congregation. The preaching and worship meet some of those needs; an adult education ministry ought to meet the needs that are still unmet. Now this might sound “worldly”—allowing the needs of the congregation to affect things—until you realize that Jesus and the apostles did exactly that. Jesus fed the five thousand in response to the hunger of the crowds. Paul gave instructions about marriage in 1 Corinthians 7 to address questions the church had asked.
After helping people with their “felt needs” we are then able to go beyond their self centered thinking and instruct them in the more important matter: how to truly follow Christ and be his disciple. (Actually, the desire to grow in discipleship is often a “felt need” for someone who is following Christ. The Spirit makes sure of that!)
Why is it important to keep the congregation involved in the process?
People feel disenfranchised if decisions are simply handed down to them. This is especially true when an existing ministry is being changed or abandoned for a better model. People invested in that ministry (attendees or leaders) will feel deserted and betrayed if they don’t have some voice in the decision. However, letting them have a “voice” doesn’t mean that they get their way, it means that they feel heard and listened to.
What are your theological beliefs?
I am ordained by the Evangelical Free Church of America and agree with their statement of faith.
How long does it take for us to have a new ministry up and running?
Each church is different—and it depends on how hard the church works at it—but about 5 months would be a good target. The contract will be based on that length of time.
How much does a consultation cost?
The cost is based on two things: 1) the type of consultation you desire, and 2) the size of your Sunday morning attendance (a larger church means more work for me). Of course, you will know the fee before you make any binding decision. Contact me and I can give you an estimate.
How can you work with us if you aren’t here?
Through the wonder of technology! I will come to your church several times throughout the process, but most communication will be done through email, phone conferencing, online conferencing, and web based project management tools. I presently live in Oregon and administrate an adult education ministry at a church in Wisconsin
Is it possible to meet face-to-face before making a commitment?
Of course, but I would want to take full advantage of web and phone conferencing first, to determine your level of interest in working with me, and my level of interest in working with you. That will save both of us money in the long run.
Is there any provision for us to have a long-term working relationship?
Yes, as I mentioned above I presently live in Oregon and administrate an adult education ministry at a church in Wisconsin. I would be willing to enter into that kind of arrangement, if it was needed. Or if you were able to administrate the program but wanted continued coaching, that could be arranged as well.
Are you willing to come train our teachers and ministry leaders without us doing a consultation?
Yes, contact me and we can discuss that possibility.
If we are interested what’s the next step?
Contact me. Go to the “Contact Us” page and send me a message.