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Available Courses

  • Course Description

    Following Christ in an Emerging Postmodern World is a course designed to help people understand the debate that is going on in the church today over the emerging church, postmodernism, modernism, and foundationalism.The church is becoming polarized as it attempts to deal with these concepts, yet many people are unaware of the real issues, simply using "emerging church" and “postmodern” as synonyms for heretical.

    This course is intended for those who want to think deeply about the local church and the culture.It is an upper division to graduate level course.It is presented by a practitioner, someone who has been in local church ministry for the last 28 years, and is designed to give practical guidance in thinking about the church and Christianity in the present cultural context. Both the modern foundational position and the postmodern position will be presented along with enough background information to understand the debate. Then a series of topics (such as truth, Scripture, church life, etc.) will be examined in the light of the contributions that can be made by both perspectives.

    Goals and Learning Outcomes

    The overall goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to: 1) understand and critically evaluate the positions of those involved in the debate and 2) understand the cultural context and the need for the church to respond to that context.

About this site

The purpose of is to help churches design and implement a Christian spiritual growth strategy for adults.This Moodle site contains online classes of an eclectic nature. Some are for training teachers and leaders, others explore theological and cultural issues.

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